Emmanuel Carrère

Emmanuel Carrère is a prominent French author, filmmaker, and screenwriter known for his diverse and often genre-blending works. His writing, which includes novels, short stories, and non-fiction, often explores the boundaries between reality and fiction. Carrère has received critical acclaim for books such as 'The Adversary' (2000), 'My Life as a Russian Novel' (2007), and 'Limonov' (2011), the latter of which won the Prix Renaudot. His style is characterized by a deep psychological insight and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about human nature.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Lives Other Than My Own

    "Lives Other Than My Own" is an emotionally charged narrative that explores the lives of two women who have experienced immense loss, one from a tsunami and the other from cancer. The author, through his personal encounters, delves into the raw emotions, resilience, and the profound bonds of family and friendship that emerge from these tragic circumstances. The book is a thoughtful exploration of empathy, offering a poignant look at the strength of human spirit in the face of adversity.