John Lanchester

John Lanchester is a British author, journalist, and critic. He is best known for his novels, which include 'The Debt to Pleasure', 'Capital', and 'The Wall', as well as for his work as a contributor to publications such as The New Yorker and the London Review of Books. Lanchester's writing often explores themes of finance, economics, and social class, and he has received critical acclaim for his insightful and accessible approach to complex subjects.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Debt To Pleasure

    This novel is a darkly comic and meticulously crafted narrative that follows the journey of Tarquin Winot, a snobbish, erudite, and deeply unreliable narrator who ostensibly aims to write a culinary memoir. As he travels from Portsmouth to his cottage in France, Tarquin intersperses his reflections on food with anecdotes from his life, gradually revealing his disturbing and sinister nature. The book is a rich blend of gastronomy, art, and intricate storytelling, where the protagonist's obsession with control and perfection in the culinary arts serves as a metaphor for his manipulative and malevolent tendencies. Through elegant prose and a masterful structure, the narrative unfolds to expose the dark undercurrents of obsession, jealousy, and revenge, all while maintaining a veneer of civility and sophistication.

  2. 2. Capital

    This book provides an insightful commentary on the financial crisis of 2008, focusing on the residents of a single street in London. It explores the lives of various characters, including a banker and his shopaholic wife, a Senegalese footballer, a Polish builder, and an 82-year-old woman who has lived in her house since birth. The narrative delves into their intertwined lives, their dreams, and their fears, providing a detailed snapshot of a society in flux due to the financial turmoil.