Harriet Martineau

Harriet Martineau was a British social theorist and Whig writer, often cited as the first female sociologist. She wrote extensively about society, politics, economics, and gender equality, and is known for her books 'Society in America' and 'Retrospect of Western Travel'. Martineau was also a prolific essayist and translated various works, including Auguste Comte's 'Positive Philosophy'. Her work helped to popularize the ideas of economic and social reform in the 19th century.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Household Education

    "Household Education" is a guide for parents and educators on how to teach children effectively at home. The author argues that a child's education should start at home and should be continuous, not just limited to school hours. The book provides practical advice on how to create a conducive learning environment at home, how to instill good habits, and how to develop a child's character and intellect. The author emphasizes the importance of parental involvement, moral education, and the need for children to understand the reasons behind rules and instructions.