Noah Webster
Noah Webster was an American lexicographer, grammarian, and language reformer. He is best known for his publication of the first American dictionary, which helped standardize American English.
This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.
1. Webster's Dictionary
An American Dictionary of the English Language
This book is a comprehensive and authoritative English language dictionary that provides definitions, pronunciation guides, and word origins for a vast number of words. It also includes sections on grammar usage and other language-related topics. The book serves as an indispensable tool for students, writers, professionals, and anyone who seeks to enhance their English language skills and knowledge.
The 8402nd Greatest Book of All Time -
2. A Grammatical Institute Of The English Language
Comprising an Easy, Concise, and Systematic Method of Education, Designed for the Use of English Schools in America
This seminal work is a comprehensive guide to English grammar and education, laying the foundation for standardized American English. It serves as a textbook designed to teach young Americans proper spelling, pronunciation, and usage of the English language, reflecting a distinct American identity separate from British norms. The book emphasizes the need for an educational approach that is accessible and relevant to the emerging nation, and it played a crucial role in shaping the linguistic framework of the United States, influencing the way English is taught and spoken in America for generations.
The 11089th Greatest Book of All Time