Nella Larsen

Nella Larsen was an American novelist of the Harlem Renaissance. She is best known for her two novels, 'Passing' and 'Quicksand,' which explore themes of racial identity and social issues related to the experiences of African-Americans and mixed-race individuals in the early 20th century. Her work has been celebrated for its nuanced portrayal of complex characters and its insightful examination of race and gender.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Passing

    "Passing" is a novel about two light-skinned African-American women, Irene Redfield and Clare Kendry, who can 'pass' as white. Set during the Harlem Renaissance, the story explores the intricacies and challenges of racial identity in 1920s America. Clare, who has chosen to live as a white woman, married to a racist who is unaware of her true heritage, risks everything when she reconnects with her childhood friend Irene, causing both women to grapple with their identities and desires, leading to tragic consequences.

  2. 2. Quicksand

    "Quicksand" is a semi-autobiographical novel about a mixed-race woman named Helga Crane who, feeling out of place in both African-American and white societies, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. From the Southern United States to Denmark and back, she struggles with racial identity, sexual repression, and societal expectations, eventually marrying a reverend and becoming disillusioned with her life as a preacher's wife in the rural South. The novel explores themes of racial identity, class, and gender in the early 20th century.