Andre Brink

Andre Brink was a prominent South African novelist, essayist, and playwright. He wrote in both Afrikaans and English and was a key figure in the literary movement known as Die Sestigers, which used Afrikaans literature as a vehicle to oppose the apartheid regime. Brink's works, which include 'A Dry White Season' and 'Rumours of Rain', often dealt with political and social issues in South Africa. He was a three-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature.


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  1. 1. A Dry White Season

    Set in apartheid-era South Africa, "A Dry White Season" follows the story of Ben Du Toit, a white schoolteacher who becomes involved in the fight against the system after his gardener's son is brutally beaten by the police. As he delves deeper into his quest for justice, he becomes increasingly isolated from his community and his family, and ultimately pays the highest price for his convictions. The novel is a powerful exploration of the devastating effects of racial injustice and the courage it takes to stand against it.