Pavlos Matesis

Pavlos Matesis (1933–2013) was a notable Greek author and playwright. He is known for his contributions to Greek literature, with works that often explored themes of human existence, social injustice, and personal struggle. His writing style was marked by its poetic language and its exploration of the human condition. One of his most famous works is 'The Daughter,' which has been translated into several languages and received critical acclaim.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Daughter

    "The Daughter" is a powerful novel set in Greece during the Second World War. The narrative follows the life of a young girl who is forced to grow up quickly due to the harsh realities of war. Her father, a communist, is executed by the Germans, and the girl is left to navigate the complexities of life, politics, and love in a world that is rapidly changing. The book offers a poignant exploration of the human capacity for resilience, survival, and hope in the face of unimaginable adversity.

  2. 2. The Mother Of The Dog

    This novel delves into the harrowing experiences of a Greek village under Nazi occupation during World War II, exploring themes of survival, betrayal, and the complex dynamics of human relationships in times of crisis. Through the eyes of a young boy, the narrative unfolds the story of a mother's desperate act to save her son from execution by offering herself to a German officer. This act of sacrifice and its repercussions on her family and the village community are examined with poignant depth, revealing the moral ambiguities and the enduring scars of war. The story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impacts of war on individual lives and societal norms.