Pedro Juan Gutierrez

Pedro Juan GutiƩrrez is a Cuban writer and artist, born on January 27, 1950, in Matanzas, Cuba. He is best known for his gritty depiction of life in the underbelly of Havana and is considered a leading figure in Cuban literature. His most famous work is the 'Dirty Havana Trilogy,' which presents a vivid portrayal of the lives of marginalized individuals in the Cuban capital during the 1990s. GutiƩrrez's writing is characterized by its raw and explicit content, often exploring themes of poverty, sex, and the human struggle for survival.


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  1. 1. Dirty Havana Trilogy

    This book is a raw and gritty portrayal of life in Havana, Cuba during the economic collapse of the 1990s. The story is narrated by a former journalist turned hustler who lives in the city's slums. The protagonist survives through a series of odd jobs and illegal activities, as he navigates through a world of poverty, violence, and corruption. The narrative is filled with graphic depictions of sex, drugs, and the struggle to survive, providing a stark contrast to the romanticized image of Havana.