The Drunkard by Liu Yichang
The story revolves around the life of an unnamed protagonist, a writer and journalist in 1960s Hong Kong, who grapples with existential despair and the pressures of modern life. As he navigates the city's vibrant yet chaotic landscape, he indulges in alcohol and fleeting romantic encounters, seeking solace and meaning. His internal monologue reveals a deep sense of disillusionment and a struggle to reconcile his artistic ambitions with the harsh realities of his environment. The narrative delves into themes of alienation, the search for identity, and the impact of societal changes on the individual.
The 3853rd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1963
- Nationality
- Chinese
- Length
- Short
- Pages
- 200-300
- Words
- Unknown
- Original Language
- Chinese
- Alternate Titles
- None
If you're interested in seeing the ranking details on this book go here
This book is on the following 1 lists:
- 72nd on 20th century 100 Best Chinese Fictions (Asia Weekly)