Enquiry Concerning Political Justice by William Godwin
and its Influence on Morals and Happiness
This book is a philosophical work that explores the concept of political justice, arguing against the established political institutions and proposing a society based on reason and justice, where individuals are not coerced by laws but guided by their own sense of morality. The author criticizes institutions like monarchy, aristocracy, and even democracy, while advocating for a form of anarchy where people live in small, self-governing communities. The work is considered a foundational text in anarchist theory.
The 13068th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1793
- Nationality
- British
- Length
- Very Long
- Pages
- 400-500
- Words
- 300,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written (Martin Seymour-Smith)