Saint Leon by William Godwin
A Tale of the Sixteenth Century
The novel follows the life of a once-wealthy nobleman who, after losing his fortune, encounters a mysterious stranger who bestows upon him the secrets of immortality and the ability to create limitless wealth. As he grapples with the consequences of these gifts, he experiences profound isolation and alienation, as his eternal life and unending riches bring unforeseen challenges and moral dilemmas. The story explores themes of ambition, the pursuit of happiness, and the human condition, ultimately questioning the true value of wealth and immortality in the face of personal and societal turmoil.
The 5932nd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1799
- Nationality
- British
- Length
- Moderate
- Pages
- 400-500
- Words
- 150,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- Horror Literature: A Core Collection and Reference Guide (Book edited by Marshall B. Tymn)