The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne by Ann Radcliffe
A Highland Story
Set in the Scottish Highlands, the story unfolds around the feuding families of Athlin and Dunbayne. The young and noble Earl of Athlin seeks vengeance against the tyrannical Baron of Dunbayne, who is responsible for his father's death. Amidst the backdrop of revenge and conflict, love blossoms between the Earl's sister, Mary, and a brave peasant named Alleyn. As the characters navigate treacherous plots and hidden identities, themes of honor, loyalty, and romance intertwine, leading to a dramatic resolution that restores peace and justice to the land.
The 5932nd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1789
- Nationality
- British
- Length
- Short
- Pages
- 200-300
- Words
- Unknown
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- Horror Literature: A Core Collection and Reference Guide (Book edited by Marshall B. Tymn)