Collected Poems by Arthur Rimbaud
"Collected Poems" is a compilation of works by a renowned French poet, known for his influence on modern literature and arts, which prefigured surrealism. His poetry is characterized by its innovative use of symbolism and imagery that explores themes such as adolescence, rebellion, and the loss of innocence. The collection includes both his early works, filled with the youthful vitality and rebellious spirit, and his later, more introspective pieces.
The 2077th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1898
- Nationality
- French
- Length
- Short
- Pages
- 200-300
- Words
- Unknown
- Original Language
- French
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- 14th on Pour une Bibliothèque Idéale (Raymond Queneau)