The Life of the Bee by Maurice Maeterlinck
"The Life of the Bee" is a philosophical and scientific examination of the behavior and nature of bees. The author delves into the intricate world of the hive, exploring the roles and duties of the worker bees, drones, and queen bee, and the complex societal structure within the hive. The book also discusses the fascinating process of honey production and the life cycle of bees. The author uses the bee society as a metaphor for human society, drawing parallels between the two.
The 2310th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1901
- Nationality
- Belgian
- Type
- Nonfiction
- Pages
- Unknown
- Words
- 55,000
- Original Language
- French
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- The New York Public Library's Books of the Century (New York Public Library)