Dune by Frank Herbert
Set in a distant future, the novel follows Paul Atreides, whose family assumes control of the desert planet Arrakis. As the only producer of a highly valuable resource, jurisdiction over Arrakis is contested among competing noble families. After Paul and his family are betrayed, the story explores themes of politics, religion, and man’s relationship to nature, as Paul leads a rebellion to restore his family's reign.
The 81st greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1965
- Nationality
- American
- Type
- Fiction
- Pages
- 400-500
- Words
- 188,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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- 2nd on Top 200 Science Fiction Books (Pre-2000) (Sci-Fi Lists)
- 3rd on The Most Significant SF & Fantasy Books of the Last 50 Years From 1953-2002 (Science Fiction Book Club)
- 4th on Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books (NPR)
- 5th on The 25 Best Science-Fiction Books of All Time (Spy.com)
- 5th on Ezra Klein Show's Most Recommended Books (Ezra Klein Show)
- 16th on The Greatest Books of All Time (Reader's Digest)
- 24th on My Favourite Book - Australian Big Read (Australian Big Read)
- 28th on The 100 Favorite Books of the French (Lire Magazine)
- 29th on Top 100 Books, As Chosen By Canadians (The Gazette(Newspaper))
- 32nd on The 101 Favorite Novels of 'Le Monde' Readers (Le Monde)
- 37th on Top 100 Fantasy Books (Fantasy Book Review)
- 39th on The Big Read (BBC)
- 48th on Koen Book Distributors Top 100 Books of the Past Century (themodernnovel.com)
- 49th on The 500 best books of all time from Culture Café users (Culture Café)
- 51st on Waterstone's Books of the Century (LibraryThing)
- 81st on TrueLit's Top 100 Favorite Books (2023) (/r/TrueLit)
- 90th on Our Users' Top 100 Favorite Books of All Time (The Greatest Books Users)
- 94th on 100 Best Western(United States) Works of Fiction (San Francisco Chronicle)
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- 105th on Our Users' Favorite Books of All Time (The Greatest Books Users)
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