The Passage by Justin Cronin
"The Passage" is a gripping post-apocalyptic novel that follows the journey of a young girl named Amy, who holds the key to humanity's survival. Set in a world ravaged by a government experiment gone wrong, the story explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the fight for redemption. As Amy grows older, she embarks on a perilous quest to find her purpose and confront the sinister beings known as Virals, while a group of survivors battles against the darkness that threatens to consume them all.
The 7692nd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 2010
- Nationality
- American
- Length
- Long
- Pages
- 766-784
- Words
- 250,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- Boston Public Library: Top Genre Books of the 2010s (Boston Public Library)