Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut
"Player Piano" is a dystopian novel set in a future where machines have taken over most of the jobs, leaving humans with little purpose or control. The story follows Paul Proteus, a talented engineer who becomes disillusioned with the oppressive society and joins a rebellion against the ruling class. Through Paul's journey, the book explores themes of technology, automation, and the dehumanizing effects of a society driven solely by efficiency and productivity.
The 12254th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1952
- Nationality
- American
- Type
- Fiction
- Pages
- 340
- Words
- 80,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- 165th on Top 200 Science Fiction Books (Pre-2000) (Sci-Fi Lists)