The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald
"The Blue Flower" is a historical novel centered around the life of Friedrich von Hardenberg, an 18th-century German poet and philosopher, known as Novalis. The story focuses on his philosophical development and his romantic relationship with a 12-year-old girl, Sophie von Kühn. It explores themes of love, philosophy, and the pursuit of knowledge, all set against the backdrop of the late Enlightenment period in Germany.
The 879th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1995
- Nationality
- British
- Type
- Fiction
- Pages
- 200-300
- Words
- 46,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
If you're interested in seeing the ranking details on this book go here
This book is on the following 7 lists:
- 3rd on Top 10 British, Irish or Commonwealth Novels from 1980 to 2005 (The Observer)
- 22nd on The 50 best books of the past 100 years (The Times)
- 73rd on The 100 Greatest British Novels (BBC)
- National Book Critics Circle Award - Fiction (National Book Critics Circle)
- The Modern Library: The Two Hundred Best Novels in English Since 1950 (The Modern Library (Book))
- 1000 Novels Everyone Must Read (The Guardian)
- NY Times Editors Choice 1990-1999 (NY Times)