Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
Set in a bleak New England landscape, the book tells the story of Ethan Frome, a poor, hardworking farmer who is married to a sickly, bitter woman named Zeena. When Zeena's young cousin Mattie comes to live with them, Ethan becomes infatuated with her, leading to a tragic love triangle. The narrative explores themes of passion, duty, and the oppressive nature of rural poverty.
The 563rd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1911
- Nationality
- American
- Length
- Short
- Pages
- 100-200
- Words
- 30,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 15 lists:
- 25th on Koen Book Distributors Top 100 Books of the Past Century (
- 29th on Choosing the Century's(20th) Favorite Books(1924) (The Literary Digest)
- 56th on Books Of The Century (Library Journal)
- 60th on Radcliffe's 100 Best Novels (Radcliffe Publishing Course)
- 135th on The Complete 500: OCLC (OCLC)
- 1170th on Our Users' Honorable Mention Favorite Books of All Time (The Greatest Books Users)
- 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (The Book)
- 100 Great 20th Century English-language Works of Fiction by Women (Feminista!)
- 75 Books by Women Whose Words Have Changed the World (Women's National Book Association)
- A Response to David Handlin’s “One Hundred Best American Novels” (The American Scholar)
- Everything You Should Read without Being a Library Rat (Book by Luiz Carlos Lisboa)
- Harold Bloom's The Western Canon (The Western Canon (Book) by Harold Bloom)
- Masterpieces of World Literature (Frank N. Magill)
- Select 100 (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- The Book of Great Books: A Guide to 100 World Classics (Book)