Mao II by Don DeLillo
"Mao II" is a novel that explores the life of a reclusive novelist who hasn't been seen in public for many years. The protagonist is drawn out of his seclusion when he becomes involved in an international crisis involving a hostage situation in Beirut. The book delves into themes of terrorism, mass culture, and the power of the written word, while examining the relationship between the individual artist and the collective society.
The 3162nd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1991
- Nationality
- American
- Type
- Fiction
- Pages
- 240-256
- Words
- 91,642
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
If you're interested in seeing the ranking details on this book go here
This book is on the following 3 lists:
- PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction (PEN/Faulkner)
- 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (The Book)
- Harold Bloom's The Western Canon (The Western Canon (Book) by Harold Bloom)