100 Best Novels in the World (Published in 1899)

This is one of the 300 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • East Lynne by Ellen Wood

    The novel revolves around the aristocratic Lady Isabel Carlyle who, after a series of personal and social misfortunes, leaves her husband and children to elope with her suitor, only to suffer regret and social ruin. Her decision leads to a life of hardship and a desire for redemption. Assuming a new identity after a disfiguring accident, she returns to East Lynne in a different role, yearning for forgiveness and a chance to reconnect with her family. The story is a Victorian blend of melodrama and moral lessons about the consequences of infidelity and the societal pressures faced by women, emphasizing themes of identity, repentance, and the possibility of moral restoration.

    The 2298th Greatest Book of All Time
About this list

The Daily Telegraph, 101 Books

The Daily Telegraph published an article in 1899 listing the 100 Best Novels. The list was selected by the editor of The Daily Telegraph with the assistance of Sir Edwin Arnold, H. D. Traill, and W. L. Courtney.

These books were also sold to the public, so it was a commercial proposition.

Added 2 months ago.

How Good is this List?

This list has a weight of 40%. To learn more about what this means please visit the Rankings page.

Here is a list of what is decreasing the importance of this list:

  • Voters: 3-5 people voted
  • List: Creator of the list, sells the books on the list
  • List: only covers mostly "Western Canon" books
  • Voters: are mostly from a single country/location

If you think this is incorrect please e-mail us at [email protected].