Edward Herman

Edward S. Herman was an American economist, media scholar, and social critic known for his work on media bias and propaganda. He co-authored 'Manufacturing Consent' with Noam Chomsky, which explores the ways in which mass media serves the interests of corporate and political elites.


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  1. 1. Manufacturing Consent

    The Political Economy of the Mass Media

    The book explores how the mass media in the United States serves as a propaganda system that promotes the interests of the elite economic, political, and social groups. It introduces the "propaganda model" to explain the forces behind media biases, arguing that the concentration of media ownership, the influence of funding sources, and the reliance on official information sources result in a systematic filtering of news that supports the agendas of those in power. Through detailed case studies, the authors demonstrate how this model leads to media coverage that often obscures important truths and shapes public opinion in ways that benefit the dominant elite groups at the expense of democratic discourse.

    The 3226th Greatest Book of All Time