Alfred North Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead was a prominent British mathematician, logician, and philosopher. He is best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy of science. In collaboration with his former student Bertrand Russell, Whitehead co-authored the seminal work 'Principia Mathematica', which aimed to ground mathematics in symbolic logic. He later developed a comprehensive metaphysical theory known as 'process philosophy', which is outlined in his book 'Process and Reality'. Whitehead's work has had a lasting impact on the fields of philosophy, logic, and mathematics.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Principia Mathematica

    The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written with the goal of deriving all mathematical truths from a well-defined set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic. The authors aim to show that mathematics is a development of logic and avoid any hidden assumptions. The work covers topics like class theory, relation theory, and quantity theory, and it is known for its rigorous and meticulous approach.

  2. 2. Process And Reality

    This philosophical work is a profound exploration of metaphysics, presenting a comprehensive framework that integrates the realities of experience, the nature of objects, and the essence of time. The author introduces the concept of "process" as the cornerstone of reality, arguing that the universe is characterized by a dynamic process of becoming rather than static being. Through the development of a complex system of thought known as "process philosophy," the text challenges traditional metaphysical notions, advocating for a reality that is interconnected, ever-evolving, and fundamentally constituted by events and occurrences. This seminal work is both a critique of classical metaphysics and an ambitious attempt to establish a new philosophical understanding that emphasizes the intrinsic relatedness and creativity of existence.

  3. 3. An Introduction to Mathematics

    This book serves as a comprehensive guide to the fundamental concepts and principles of mathematics. It provides an in-depth overview of different mathematical concepts, including algebra, geometry, calculus, and logic, and their applications in various fields. The author makes use of clear and concise language, making the complex world of mathematics accessible to novices. The book also discusses the historical development of mathematics, its philosophical aspects, and its role in the advancement of human civilization.

  4. 4. Science and the Modern World

    "Science and the Modern World" is a philosophical exploration of the impact of scientific advancement on contemporary society. The author examines the development of science and its historical influence, asserting that modern science has transformed our understanding of the world and ourselves. He explores the philosophical implications of scientific discoveries, discussing topics such as the nature of matter, time, space, and the relationship between mind and body. He also critiques materialistic and mechanistic views of the universe, advocating for a holistic and organic worldview.