The Shipyard by Juan Carlos Onetti
"The Shipyard" is a novel set in a decaying Uruguayan port town, where the protagonist, a middle-aged man recently released from jail and suffering from tuberculosis, decides to take on the impossible task of reviving a defunct shipyard. The book explores themes of existentialism, disillusionment, and the struggle for meaning in a seemingly absurd world. Despite the bleak surroundings and circumstances, the protagonist remains hopeful and committed to his ambitions, providing a poignant commentary on the human spirit's resilience.
The 814th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1961
- Nationality
- Uruguayan
- Type
- Fiction
- Pages
- 100-200
- Words
- Unknown
- Original Language
- Spanish
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 2 lists:
- 12th on El Pais Favorite Books of 100 Spanish Authors (El Pais)
- 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (The Book)