Z by Vassilis Vassilikos
A Novel of Politics
"Z" is a political novel that explores the events surrounding the assassination of a prominent leftist politician in Greece. The story delves into the corruption and violence that pervades the government, with the narrative alternating between the perspectives of the victim, the assassins, the investigators, and the government officials involved. The novel is a critique of political tyranny and an exploration of the struggle for justice in a corrupt system.
The 1801st greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1967
- Nationality
- Greek
- Length
- Moderate
- Pages
- 406
- Words
- Unknown
- Original Language
- Greek
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 2 lists:
- 1000 Novels Everyone Must Read (The Guardian)
- 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (The Book)