The Greatest "Fiction, Experimental" Books Since 1970

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The "Experimental" category of books is characterized by works that challenge traditional literary conventions and push the boundaries of form and content. These books often incorporate unconventional narrative structures, language, and themes, and may experiment with different mediums such as poetry, visual art, or multimedia. The goal of experimental literature is to create new and innovative ways of storytelling that challenge readers' expectations and expand the possibilities of what literature can be.

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  1. 1. Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories by Franz Kafka

    This collection of stories offers a comprehensive look at the work of a renowned author, known for his surreal and often unsettling depictions of modern life. The stories explore themes of existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity, often through narratives in which ordinary people face extraordinary, inexplicable circumstances. The collection showcases the author's unique style and his profound influence on 20th-century literature.

  2. 2. Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon

    Set during the end of World War II, the novel follows Tyrone Slothrop, a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, as he tries to uncover the truth behind a mysterious device, the "Schwarzgerät", that the Germans are using in their V-2 rockets. The narrative is complex and multi-layered, filled with a vast array of characters and subplots, all connected by various themes such as paranoia, technology, and the destructive nature of war. The book is known for its encyclopedic nature and its challenging, postmodernist style.

  3. 3. If on a Winter's Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino

    The novel is a postmodernist narrative that follows the adventures of the reader, who is trying to read a book called "If on a Winter's Night a Traveller." However, the reader keeps encountering obstacles that prevent him from finishing the book, including printer's errors, censorship, and interruptions from other characters. The story is interspersed with the beginnings of ten different novels, each interrupted at a moment of suspense. The book is a meditation on reading, writing, and the nature of narrative itself.

  4. 4. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

    This novel is a complex, multi-layered narrative that explores themes of addiction, recovery, and the human condition in a near-future society. The story is set in a tennis academy and a halfway house for recovering addicts, and it intertwines the lives of its numerous characters, including a gifted but troubled teenage tennis prodigy, his filmmaker father, and a group of Quebecois separatists. The book is known for its length, intricate plot, and extensive use of footnotes.

  5. 5. Crash: A Novel by J. G. Ballard

    The novel revolves around a man who becomes sexually aroused by staging and participating in real car-crashes, a fetish that spirals further out of control when he meets a like-minded woman. It explores the disturbing intersection of technology, sexuality, and violence, pushing the boundaries of social norms and challenging the reader's perception of reality.

  6. 6. The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño

    "The Savage Detectives" is a novel that follows the lives of two Latin American poets, Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima, who are founders of a literary movement called "visceral realism." The book is divided into three parts and is narrated by multiple characters, providing different perspectives on the protagonists. The narrative spans over 20 years, following the poets' journey from Mexico City to Europe, Israel, and Africa, as they search for a mysterious poetess and navigate through the world of literature, sex, drugs, and the complexities of life.

  7. 7. Life, a User's Manual by Georges Perec

    The novel explores the lives of the inhabitants of a Parisian apartment block through a complex, multi-layered narrative. It delves into the interconnected stories of the building's residents, revealing their secrets, desires, and disappointments. The narrative is structured like a puzzle, with the author employing a variety of literary styles and devices, making it a complex and intriguing exploration of human life.

  8. 8. The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa

    "The Book of Disquiet" is a posthumously published collection of thoughts and musings of a solitary dreamer, who is a Lisbon-based bookkeeper. The book delves into the mind of a man who is discontented with his mundane life and finds solace in dreaming and writing. The narrative is a profound reflection on life, solitude, and the nature of humanity, filled with philosophical insights and poetic language. The protagonist's introspective journey and his struggles with existential despair make it a seminal work in the genre of literary modernism.

  9. 9. The Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector

    "The Hour of the Star" is a poignant narrative that explores the life of Macabéa, a poor, unattractive, and naive typist living in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. The story is narrated by Rodrigo S.M., a sophisticated writer who struggles with how to accurately portray Macabéa's simple existence and her tragic fate. The novel delves into themes of identity, poverty, and the human condition, presenting a stark contrast between the lives of the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant, and the beautiful and the plain.

  10. 10. A Visit From The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

    "A Visit from the Goon Squad" is an interconnected collection of stories about a group of characters whose lives intersect in the music industry. The narrative spans several decades, tracing the characters' journey from their youth to middle age. It explores themes of time, change, and the impact of technology on human relationships and the music industry. The novel is known for its experimental structure, including a chapter written as a PowerPoint presentation.

  11. 11. The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

    "The New York Trilogy" is a collection of three detective stories that explore the nature of identity and the search for meaning. The stories are set in New York City and feature various characters, including a detective, a writer, and a professor, who are all engaged in their own personal quests. These quests often involve elements of mystery, existentialism, and introspection, and the stories are interconnected in various ways, creating a complex and thought-provoking narrative.

  12. 12. Lanark by Alasdair Gray

    "Lanark" is an unconventional narrative that combines elements of fantasy, dystopia, and realism. The protagonist, a man named Lanark, moves through two parallel existences. In one, he's a young man named Duncan Thaw in post-war Glasgow, struggling with his artistic ambitions and personal relationships. In the other, he's Lanark in the grim, bureaucratic city of Unthank, suffering from a mysterious skin condition and grappling with his identity and purpose. The novel explores themes of love, alienation, creativity, and the human condition, presenting a complex and thought-provoking portrait of life and society.

  13. 13. Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany

    The novel follows the journey of a poet with amnesia, known only as the Kid, through a dystopian city named Bellona. The city has been isolated from the rest of the world following a catastrophic event of unknown origin. The Kid navigates through a society where time, identity, and reality are all fluid, engaging with various groups of outcasts and explorers. The narrative is marked by its experimental style, incorporating elements of science fiction, surrealism, and metafiction.

  14. 14. Flaubert's Parrot by Julian Barnes

    The novel centers around a retired doctor's obsession with the life and works of Gustave Flaubert, a 19th-century French writer. The doctor's fascination leads him on a quest to find a stuffed parrot that once belonged to the writer. The novel is a blend of biography, literary criticism, and personal memoir, and it explores themes such as the nature of art and the difficulties of interpreting the past.

  15. 15. Correction by Thomas Bernhard

    "Correction" is a complex narrative revolving around the life of a man named Roithamer, a genius obsessed with constructing an architectural masterpiece, the Cone, in the center of the Kobernausser forest. The story is told through the perspective of his friend who is reading Roithamer's notes after his suicide. The novel explores themes of obsession, isolation, and the pursuit of perfection, while also delving into the protagonist's troubled relationships with his family and society.

  16. 16. The Rings of Saturn by W. G. Sebald

    "The Rings of Saturn" is a richly detailed travelogue that follows the narrator's journey along the coast of Suffolk, England. The narrative weaves together history, literature, and personal anecdotes, exploring topics as diverse as the decline of the herring industry, the horrors of colonialism in the Congo, and the life of philosopher Sir Thomas Browne. The book is characterized by its melancholic tone, its digressive style, and its meditative reflections on memory, time, and decay.

  17. 17. Speedboat by Renata Adler

    This novel follows a young woman reporter in New York City during the 1970s, as she navigates her professional and personal life. The book is written in a non-linear style, consisting of a series of vignettes, observations, and reflections, rather than a traditional narrative. The protagonist's experiences and thoughts on subjects such as race, politics, and the media form the core of the book, providing a snapshot of the social and cultural landscape of the time.

  18. 18. G. by John Berger

    "G." is a historical novel set in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, tracing the life of its eponymous and mysterious protagonist 'G.' The narrative explores his relationships with women and his experiences during significant historical events such as World War I and the Italian Risorgimento. The book also delves into themes such as sexual and political identity, and the personal impact of broad social changes.

  19. 19. JR by William Gaddis

    The novel is a satirical critique of capitalism, narrating the story of an 11-year-old boy who builds a vast financial empire from his school's payphone. Using the adults around him as pawns, he manipulates the system to his own advantage, turning junk bonds into high profits. The narrative unfolds almost entirely through dialogue, making it a challenging but rewarding read. The book is a commentary on the American dream, exploring themes of greed, exploitation, and the dehumanizing effects of capitalism.

  20. 20. The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro

    The book follows a renowned pianist who arrives in a Central European city to give a concert. However, his time there becomes increasingly surreal and disjointed as he is pulled in different directions by the demands of the locals, his own past, and his responsibilities. The narrative explores themes of memory, time, and self-delusion, creating a dream-like atmosphere that blurs the lines between reality and illusion.

  21. 21. Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker

    "Blood and Guts in High School" is a postmodern feminist novel that follows the life of a young girl named Janey Smith, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery after being sexually exploited by her father. The narrative, fragmented and nonlinear, explores themes of sexual liberation, identity, and rebellion against societal norms. The protagonist's experiences are depicted through various forms of writing such as dream sequences, drawings, and plagiarized texts, blurring the line between reality and fiction.

  22. 22. Sixty Stories by Donald Barthelme

    "Sixty Stories" is a collection of short narratives that use unconventional, experimental structures to explore a range of themes. The book is known for its absurdist and postmodern style, and the stories often feature elements of parody, surrealism, and satire. The tales cover a wide array of topics, including art, literature, philosophy, and the human condition, all presented with a unique blend of humor, wit, and intellectual depth.

  23. 23. The Infernal Desire Machines Of Doctor Hoffman by Angela Carter

    The novel is a phantasmagorical journey through a world where reality is under siege by the diabolical machinations of a mad scientist who has unleashed desire machines that warp perception and desire. The protagonist, Desiderio, an employee of the Ministry of Determination, embarks on a quest to stop Doctor Hoffman, confronting a series of bizarre and surreal challenges that blend eroticism, philosophy, and violence. As Desiderio travels through cities and landscapes transformed by the machines, he encounters a cast of eccentric characters and experiences dreamlike adventures that challenge the boundaries of reality, identity, and sanity, culminating in a confrontation with the enigmatic Doctor and the resolution of his own complex relationship with Hoffman's daughter.

  24. 24. How Late It Was, How Late by James Kelman

    The novel is a stream-of-consciousness narrative told from the perspective of Sammy, a shoplifter and ex-convict from Glasgow who wakes up in an alley after a two-day drinking binge to find he is completely blind. As Sammy struggles to navigate his new reality, he contends with bureaucratic systems, confronts his past, and grapples with his relationships, all while trying to understand and adjust to his sudden loss of sight. The story is a gritty exploration of working-class life, the human condition, and the nature of reality.

  25. 25. W, or the Memory of Childhood by Georges Perec

    "W, or the Memory of Childhood" is a unique blend of autobiographical recollections and fictional narrative. The novel alternates between two storylines: one describing the childhood of a Jewish boy during World War II, and the other detailing a dystopian society on a mysterious island known as "W". The book explores themes of memory, trauma, and the loss of innocence, while also offering a critique of totalitarian regimes. The two narratives gradually converge, revealing the traumatic underpinnings of the protagonist's life and the allegorical nature of "W".

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