The Greatest Russian, German "Fiction" Books Since 1950

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  1. 1. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

    This novel is a complex narrative that weaves together three distinct yet intertwined stories. The first story is set in 1930s Moscow and follows the devil and his entourage as they wreak havoc on the city's literary elite. The second story is a historical narrative about Pontius Pilate and his role in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The third story is a love story between the titular Master, a writer who has been driven to madness by the criticism of his work, and his devoted lover, Margarita. The novel is a satirical critique of Soviet society, particularly the literary establishment, and its treatment of artists. It also explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the nature of good and evil.

  2. 2. The Tin Drum by Günter Grass

    The novel tells the story of Oskar Matzerath, a boy who decides on his third birthday that he will stop growing and remain a three-year-old forever. Oskar is gifted with a tin drum by his mother, which he uses to express his emotions and thoughts. Living in Danzig during the rise of Nazi Germany, Oskar's refusal to grow is a form of protest against the adult world. The book is a blend of magical realism and historical fiction, providing a unique perspective on the horrors of World War II and the post-war era in Germany.

  3. 3. Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

    Set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Russian Revolution, the book follows the life of a physician and poet, Yuri Zhivago, as he navigates the political and social upheaval of the early 20th century. Torn between his love for two women, his wife Tonya and his passionate mistress Lara, Zhivago's personal struggles mirror the larger societal changes occurring around him. The novel explores themes of love, war, and the human spirit, offering a poignant and complex portrait of life during a time of revolutionary change.

  4. 4. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    This novel provides a detailed account of a single day in the life of a prisoner, Ivan Denisovich, in a Soviet labor camp in the 1950s. The narrative follows Ivan as he navigates the harsh realities of his daily routine, from the moment he wakes up to when he goes to bed. The book provides a stark portrayal of the brutality and inhumanity of the Soviet gulag system while also highlighting the resilience and dignity of the human spirit under such oppressive conditions.

  5. 5. Perfume by Patrick Suskind

    Set in 18th-century France, this novel tells the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a man born with an extraordinary sense of smell but no personal scent of his own. He becomes an apprentice to a prominent perfumer and learns to create the world's most intoxicating perfumes. However, his obsession with capturing the perfect scent leads him down a dark path, as he begins to kill young women to extract their scent. The book is a chilling exploration of obsession, identity, and the power of scent.

  6. 6. Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald

    The novel follows the story of Jacques Austerlitz, an architectural historian who was brought to England on a Kindertransport from Czechoslovakia during World War II. As an adult, Jacques embarks on a journey to uncover his past, including his original identity, his parent's fate, and his own lost history. The narrative is a haunting exploration of memory, identity, and the lasting impact of the Holocaust.

  7. 7. Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman

    "Life and Fate" is a sweeping epic that explores the human condition during the Siege of Stalingrad in World War II. The novel delves into the lives of a wide range of characters, from soldiers and scientists to children and victims of the Holocaust, providing a stark and unflinching portrayal of the horrors of war, the brutality of totalitarianism, and the resilience of the human spirit. At the same time, it also examines themes of love, loss, and the struggle for freedom and dignity in the face of overwhelming adversity.

  8. 8. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

    Set in Nazi Germany during World War II, the novel follows the story of a young girl who finds solace in stealing books and sharing them with others. In the midst of the horrors of war, she forms a bond with a Jewish man her foster parents are hiding in their basement. The story is narrated by Death, offering a unique perspective on the atrocities and small acts of kindness during this period. The girl's love for books becomes a metaphor for resistance against the oppressive regime.

  9. 9. Anniversaries by Uwe Johnson

    "Anniversaries" is a novel that provides a detailed account of a year in the life of Gesine Cresspahl, a German immigrant living in New York City with her young daughter. The narrative unfolds through daily entries, spanning from August 1967 to August 1968, intertwining the protagonist's present-day experiences with her traumatic past in Nazi and post-war East Germany. The novel explores themes of memory, identity, displacement, and the complexities of history, offering a nuanced perspective on the immigrant experience and the lasting impacts of historical trauma.

  10. 10. The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

    "The Reader" is a poignant narrative centered around a young German boy's complex relationship with an older woman, who later turns out to be a former Auschwitz guard. Their relationship begins with her teaching him to read, but takes a drastic turn when she disappears, only to reemerge on trial for war crimes. The novel explores themes of guilt, shame, and redemption, as the boy, now a law student, grapples with his feelings for a woman he once loved, but whose past actions he cannot reconcile with.

  11. 11. Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    "Cancer Ward" is a poignant novel set in a Soviet cancer hospital in the mid-1950s. It follows the lives and struggles of patients and doctors, exploring their personal histories, relationships, and the political environment of the time. The hospital serves as a metaphor for the oppressive Soviet state, with cancer symbolizing the malignant growth of totalitarianism. The book also explores themes of mortality, the human spirit, and the will to survive.

  12. 12. The Rings of Saturn by W. G. Sebald

    "The Rings of Saturn" is a richly detailed travelogue that follows the narrator's journey along the coast of Suffolk, England. The narrative weaves together history, literature, and personal anecdotes, exploring topics as diverse as the decline of the herring industry, the horrors of colonialism in the Congo, and the life of philosopher Sir Thomas Browne. The book is characterized by its melancholic tone, its digressive style, and its meditative reflections on memory, time, and decay.

  13. 13. Kolyma Stories by Varlam Shalamov

    "Kolyma Stories" is a collection of short stories that vividly depict the harrowing experiences of prisoners in the Soviet Gulag during the Stalinist era. Written by Varlam Shalamov, a survivor of the Kolyma labor camps himself, the book offers a raw and unflinching portrayal of the inhumane conditions, extreme suffering, and moral degradation endured by the prisoners. Through his powerful and haunting narratives, Shalamov sheds light on the resilience of the human spirit and the indomitable will to survive amidst unimaginable cruelty.

  14. 14. The Neverending Story by Michael Ende

    "The Neverending Story" is a captivating fantasy novel that follows the adventures of a young boy named Bastian. When he stumbles upon a mysterious book, he becomes engrossed in the magical world of Fantastica, where he must embark on a perilous quest to save the realm from destruction. As Bastian's imagination intertwines with reality, he discovers the power of storytelling and the importance of believing in oneself. This enchanting tale explores themes of courage, friendship, and the boundless nature of imagination.

  15. 15. The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum by Heinrich Böll

    "The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum" is a story about a young woman who becomes the target of a media smear campaign after she falls in love with a man who is suspected of being a political radical. The media's relentless invasion of her privacy and the negative portrayal of her character lead to tragic consequences, highlighting the destructive power of sensationalist journalism. The novel is also a critique of the political climate in Germany during the 1970s.

  16. 16. Moscow Petushki by Venedikt Yerofeev

    The book is a surreal and satirical narrative that takes the reader on a tragicomic journey aboard a suburban train from Moscow to the small town of Petushki. The protagonist, a disillusioned intellectual and alcoholic, engages in philosophical musings and encounters a variety of eccentric characters, each embodying different aspects of Soviet life. As he delves into ruminations on love, suffering, and the search for meaning amidst the absurdities of existence, the journey becomes a metaphor for the human condition and the societal decay of the USSR, blending dark humor with poignant introspection.

  17. 17. The Emigrants by Winfried Georg Sebald

    "The Emigrants" is a novel that explores the experiences and memories of four different emigrants, each with a unique and complex history. The narrative primarily focuses on the psychological impact of displacement and the haunting nature of the past. The author delves deep into their lives, revealing their struggles with identity, loss, and the persistent influence of their roots. The narrative is interwoven with historical events, photographs, and other documents, creating a rich tapestry that blurs the line between fact and fiction.

  18. 18. The German Lesson by Siegfried Lenz

    "The German Lesson" is a vivid exploration of the moral and cultural conflicts of World War II, set in a small German village. The story is narrated by a young boy who is tasked by his school teacher with an assignment to write an essay on "The Joys of Duty." As his father, a local police officer, is assigned the duty of preventing a popular local artist from painting, the boy finds himself torn between his father's rigid adherence to duty and his own growing appreciation for art and individual expression. The narrative grapples with themes of duty, obedience, and the power of art, providing a thoughtful examination of life under the Nazi regime.

  19. 19. A Legacy by Sybille Bedford

    "A Legacy" is a historical novel that captures the social and political turmoil of early 20th century Germany through the eyes of its protagonist. The story follows a young woman who hails from two distinct families, one being a wealthy Jewish family from Berlin and the other, an aristocratic Catholic family from rural Germany. The narrative provides a detailed account of the protagonist's life, her family's eccentricities, and the eventual downfall of her families amidst the backdrop of the First World War and the Weimar Republic.

  20. 20. First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    "First Circle" is a gripping narrative set in a Soviet Union labor camp during the Stalin era, where the prisoners are intellectuals and scientists. The story revolves around these individuals who, despite their grim circumstances, engage in political and philosophical debates, striving to maintain their dignity and humanity. The novel explores themes of morality, corruption, and the human spirit, providing a vivid and harrowing depiction of life under Stalinist rule.

  21. 21. Pnin by Vladimir Nabokov

    The novel is about a Russian émigré, Timofey Pnin, who is a professor at an American college. Pnin struggles with the complexities of life, language, and American culture, while dealing with the traumas of his past in Russia. The book is a series of loosely connected episodes, filled with humor, pathos, and Pnin's endearing confusion. His struggles and triumphs in academia and his search for a home and identity form the crux of the story.

  22. 22. Jacob the Liar by Jurek Becker

    Set during the Holocaust in a Jewish ghetto in Poland, the novel revolves around a man named Jacob who fabricates the news of the Russian Army's advancement to uplift the spirits of his fellow prisoners. However, as his lies gain traction, they become a beacon of hope for the desperate people in the ghetto, leading to unforeseen consequences. The book explores themes of hope, despair, and the power of words, ultimately questioning the morality of lying for a greater good.

  23. 23. Cat and Mouse by Günter Grass

    "Cat and Mouse" is a novel that centers around a group of boys living in Danzig during World War II. The story is narrated by one of the boys, who recounts the life of his friend, whom they call "the great Mahlke", a boy with a large Adam's apple. Mahlke's attempts to prove himself a hero despite his physical oddity, his obsession with a sunken ship, and his eventual expulsion from school and enlistment in the war form the heart of the narrative. The novel explores themes of identity, guilt, memory, and the devastating impact of war on the individual and society.

  24. 24. Summer in Baden-Baden by Leonid Tsypkin

    "Summer in Baden-Baden" is a unique blend of fact and fiction that intertwines the author's own travels to Leningrad with a reimagining of Fyodor Dostoevsky's summer in Baden-Baden, Germany. The narrative shifts between the two journeys, exploring themes of obsession, identity, and the power of literature. The author's fascination with Dostoevsky serves as a lens through which he examines his own life and experiences as a Jew in Soviet Russia, while also providing a fresh perspective on the famous Russian author's life and works.

  25. 25. Billiards at Half-Past Nine by Heinrich Böll

    The novel follows the story of the Faehmel family, spanning three generations, in post-war Germany, focusing on the impact of war and the struggle with the country's Nazi past. The narrative centers around Robert Faehmel, an architect who refuses to build anything after World War II, his father, a World War I veteran, and his son, who is trying to make sense of his family's past. The story is told non-linearly, with the characters' memories, dreams, and perceptions revealing the devastating effects of the two World Wars on the family and the country.

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